RMUS - Autel Evo II Virtual Training

Evo II Ready to Deploy Training
Here's a brief example of the ready to deploy training RMUS offers on the Evo II. Get Full Video
Autel Evo II Dual Thermal Virtual Training
April 7th, 1 PM Eastern Time
Live virtual training with RMUS VP of Technology Jon McBride. This course is roughly 4 hours long covering operations and workflows associated with the Autel Evo II (Dual and 6k). Students can interact with Jon, and ask questions specific to their mission specific needs. This course requires completing the Autel Evo II Dual Ready to Deploy Video, and the Autel Evo II On-Demand Training. These courses are included with the price of the this package.
Course Outline:
- General Aircraft
- Overview from online trainings
- Flight Application and Mission Planning
- Battery Care and Maintenance
- General Thermal Camera Overview
- Use case Q&A